Programs and Services

All programs are free but pre-registration is required

Family Support Programs

An important aspect of CSCF, Inc. programming is that it is open to ALL family members, siblings and even playmates. By extending our programming beyond the affected child and his/her parents, the family will be able to have a wide support net of family and friends aware of this unique health situation. The child will not feel singled out because of their illness by peers or siblings, and the negative stigma associated with SCD will be progressively removed. Each Family Support Program is designed to actively provide services to families with children suffering from Sickle Cell Disease (SCD).
Every program includes:

SCAT - Sickle Cell Adult Team

Sickle Cell Adult Team (SCAT) is a monthly group that helps adults with hope and support. Virtual meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of every month, from 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm.

Parent Support Group

Virtual monthly Parent Support Group sessions offer caregivers the opportunity to learn new information about sustaining a healthy family financially, emotionally as well as help their child stay healthy. Sessions are held on the last Saturday of the month, from 6-8 pm. Please call 412-488-2723 and speak with a Community Health Worker to register. You’ll receive a link to join the session.

Extensions of the Family Support Program

Educational Advocacy

To ensure positive outcomes for children with SCD, the Educational Support Team can assist parents/caregivers with navigating the educational system by attending administrative meetings with parents (IEP and 504) and through informative presentations to students and professional development sessions for teachers and staff.

Read2Lead & Math4Masters

These summer programs keep our children educationally engaged through reading and math exercises. Books are provided to children to read, keep and pass on to their friends. Participants are rewarded during the Back2School Bash.

Back2School Bash

Before every school year, Read2Lead, Math4Masters, Learn2Swim and SMASH awards are given to the children for their participation and accomplishments. Also, each school aged child receives a book bag filled with supplies to prepare them for a successful school year.

Transition to Adulthood

Many young adults feel unprepared to take on the responsibilities of adulthood. Making decisions about education, employment and health are difficult for any young person and having sickle cell disease can further complicate those decisions. Preparing for their new role as an independent adult is essential to their growth and success during this transition phase. Young adults need the proper tools and support to help them set and achieve their goals.

CSCF Kids provides a Young Adult Transition program that offers tools and education to aid in the development of our young adults. Our month-long program offers weekly sessions that focus on several areas of skills including social, education, employment, financial literacy, health and wellness, self and life skills.

Through activity filled sessions, guest speakers and field trips, the Young Adult Transition program exposes participants to real world settings that will prepare them for a thriving future.


Course Overview

Social Skills
Financial Literacy
Health and Wellness
Life Skills

Educational Support Programs

The Educational Support Program is designed to support educational continuity and achievement in children with sickle cell disease (SCD).

Celebrating Successes with the Educational Support Program
Since the inception of the program in 2006:

  • 96% of Children report that they return to school better prepared
  • there has been an decrease in the average number of days absent throughout the school year from 31 days to 19 days
  • average GPAs have increased nearly 20% – from 2.01 to 2.82


Assignment Retrieval Program

  • A FREE program available to all children with SCD regardless of school or district.
  • Ask the Children’s Hospital social worker to contact us when your child with SCD becomes ill at home or is hospitalized. Call (412) 488-2723 or inquire in person at the hospital. The Educational Support Team (EST) will contact your child’s teachers and the school counselor to ensure that your child receives their schoolwork and assignments within 24-36 hours.
  • Complete a parental survey to give us feedback about your experiences with the program so that we may better serve you.

Family Advocacy

It is frightening to think about what life will be like without access to the physicians, nurses and social workers that help keep children and adults with SCD healthy.

Decide today whether you will write a letter or call.

Visit the Pennsylvania General Assembly webpage to find your Legislators. Then write to them or call them to tell your own story of how any proposed cuts will affect your family. Respectfully urge your elected officials to take a stand against any budget structure that proposes cuts! Ask them to share with you where they stand on this issue. Remember that in Pennsylvania there are thousands of children and adults that will suffer if the Governor and legislators don’t get the message that we can’t afford to have a budget that is balanced on the backs of the most vulnerable!

Family Advocacy…Your voice can change the world!