Living Well With Sickle Cell®

How You? Can Help

No matter where you are, you can be involved with the effort to help find a cure for sickle cell disease.


Giving financially helps support our families to help them through challenges caused by SCD.


Giving financially helps support our families to help them through challenges caused by SCD.


Giving financially helps support our families to help them through challenges caused by SCD.


You can donate or organize a blood drive at your local church, school, business, or community center.

What is Sickle Cell?

Sickle cell disease is a group of inherited red blood cell disorders. Normal red blood cells are round like doughnuts, with the hole filled in, they are soft and slippery so they move through small blood vessels easily in the body to deliver oxygen. Sickled red blood cells don’t move through the body as easily because they become hard and sticky. When the sickled cells go through the small blood vessels, they clog the blood flow and may break apart. This can cause pain, tissue damage and a low blood count, or anemia.


Over the last two decades there have been more treatments available for persons living with SCD. There is an online decision aid availalble to help you learn about sickle cell disease, the available treatments and get help making the decision that is right for you and your family.

New parent handbook


We have partnered with Hilton Publishing to produce Living Well with Sickle Cell®, The Parent Handbook as a resource for parents and caregivers.

Written in a friendly, understandable method and using color coded tabs for easy navigation, the comprehensive Parent Handbook contains critical information and resources for parents coping with this painful disease, including:

SCD: What to know and what to do

About your baby

People who care for your child

When to call the doctor and when to go to the ER

Information for teachers and childcare providers

Frequently asked questions about SCD

Record keeping & resources

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It takes a village to raise a healthy child

You are not alone. We’re here with programs and services to help you when you need it.


Understanding Sickle Cell Trait and Disease

A video from the Sickle Cell Program at Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC explaining the difference between sickle cell trait and disease.

Children’s Sickle Cell Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh

In 2002, a mother of a child with sickle cell disease became exhausted in her search for support programs for her son and her family. She identified a gap in services for children with sickle cell disease from birth to adulthood in Pittsburgh. Frustrated and feeling alone, she reached out to a few other parents, […]

Bridging the Blood

Being a donor would change the lives of people with sickle cell disease, children in particular, so that when they need the blood that it’s there. If you want some information you know just call the Central Blood Bank. They’ll be more than glad to give you information on blood donation. “Blood donation should just […]